Index of /wikipedia/maintenance/language/zhtable/

NameLast ModifiedSize
UpParent Directory
FileMakefile2017-12-09 09:49 1k
FileMakefile.py2017-12-09 09:49 15k
Filesimp2trad.manual2017-12-09 09:49 8k
Filesimp2trad_noconvert.manual2017-12-09 09:49 1k
Filesimp2trad_supp_set.manual2017-12-09 09:49 1k
Filesimpphrases.manual2017-12-09 09:49 3k
Filesimpphrases_exclude.manual2017-12-09 09:49 1k
Filesymme_supp.manual2017-12-09 09:49 1k
FiletoCN.manual2017-12-09 09:49 52k
FiletoHK.manual2017-12-09 09:49 58k
FiletoSimp.manual2017-12-09 09:49 5k
FiletoTrad.manual2017-12-09 09:49 10k
FiletoTW.manual2017-12-09 09:49 17k
Filetrad2simp.manual2017-12-09 09:49 19k
Filetrad2simp_noconvert.manual2017-12-09 09:49 1k
Filetrad2simp_supp_set.manual2017-12-09 09:49 1k
Filetradphrases.manual2017-12-09 09:49 34k
Filetradphrases_exclude.manual2017-12-09 09:49 6k
The various .manual files contains special mappings not included in the unihan database, and phrases not included in the SCIM package. - symme_supp.manual: Supplementary character mapping of symmetric conversion (1 to 1) between Simplified and Traditional Chinese. - simp2trad.manual: Simplified to Traditional asymmetric charactermapping. - trad2simp.manual: Traditional to Simplified asymmetric character mapping. - simp2trad_noconvert.manual: Do not convert the chars as inapporiate. - trad2simp_noconvert.manual: Do not convert the chars as inapporiate. - tradphrases.manual: Phrases in Traditional Chinese. A portition is obtained from the TongWen package ( - simpphrases.manual: Phrases in Simplified Chinese. - tradphrases_exclude.manual: Excluding several phrases from the SCIM phrasesas inappoiated. - simpphrases_exclude.manual: Excluding several phrases from the SCIM phrases as inapporated. - toTrad.manual, toSimp.manual: Special phrase mappings that tradphrases.manual or simphrases.manual cannot be handled. - toTW.manual, toCN.manual and toHK.manual: Special phrase mappings. * 為方便轉換,以上均含不完整詞組,請勿隨意刪除。 zhengzhu at gmail dot com & shinjiman at gmail dot com Modified by User:Chiefwei at Chinese Wikipedia in 2015.
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